Vietnam e-Visa: The Best Choice for a Convenient Trip
Hello, avid travelers around the world! If you're planning a trip to Vietnam and want to save time and avoid the hassle, applying for a Vietnam e-Visa is the way to go. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
What is a Vietnam e-Visa?
A Vietnam e-Visa (electronic visa) is a travel document that allows foreign visitors to enter and travel within Vietnam for a specific period. With an e-Visa, you can stay in the country for up to 90 days continuously, starting from the date of first entry. This applies to both single and multiple entries, and as of August 15th, citizens from all countries and territories are eligible to apply.
Documents Required for Vietnam e-Visa Application
To complete your e-Visa application, you need to provide the following details:
- Your ID
- Your home address and contact information
- Your address and contact in Vietnam
- Travel history: Have you visited Vietnam in the last year? If yes, when?
- Length of stay: How long will you stay in Vietnam?
- Details of any previous Vietnamese visa
- Your temporary address in Vietnam
- Your occupation
- Purpose of visit
- Type of visa: Single or multiple entry
- Date and port of entry/exit
- A passport-sized photo (.jpg format, size 4x6, no glasses)
- A scanned copy of your passport (valid for at least 6 months)
List of Eligible Countries for Vietnam e-Visa
A - D | E - M | N - Z |
Afghanistan | Ecuador | Namibia |
Albania | Egypt | Nauru |
Algeria | El Salvador | Nepal |
Andorra | Equatorial Guinea | Netherlands |
Angola | Eritrea | New Zealand |
Antigua and Barbuda | Estonia | Nicaragua |
Argentina | Ethiopia | Niger |
Armenia | Fiji | Nigeria |
Australia | Finland | North Macedonia |
Austria | France | Norway |
Azerbaijan | Gabon | Oman |
Bahamas | Gambia | Pakistan |
Bahrain | Georgia | Palau |
Bangladesh | Germany | Panama |
Barbados | Ghana | Papua New Guinea |
Belarus | Gibraltar | Paraguay |
Belgium | Greece | Peru |
Belize | Greenland | Philippines |
Benin | Grenada | Poland |
Bermuda | Guatemala | Portugal |
Bhutan | Guinea | Qatar |
Bolivia | Guinea-Bissau | Romania |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guyana | Russia |
Botswana | Haiti | Rwanda |
Brazil | Honduras | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
British Indian Ocean Terr. | Hungary | Saint Lucia |
Brunei | Iceland | Saint Vincent & Grenadines |
Bulgaria | India | Samoa |
Burkina Faso | Indonesia | San Marino |
Burundi | Iran | Sao Tome and Principe |
Cambodia | Iraq | Saudi Arabia |
Cameroon | Ireland | Senegal |
Canada | Israel | Serbia |
Cape Verde | Italy | Seychelles |
Central African Republic | Jamaica | Sierra Leone |
Chad | Japan | Singapore |
Chile | Jordan | Slovakia |
China (incl. Hong Kong, Macau) | Kazakhstan | Slovenia |
Taiwan | Kenya | Solomon Islands |
Colombia | Kiribati | Somalia |
Comoros | South Korea | South Africa |
Congo | Kosovo | Spain |
Costa Rica | Kuwait | Sri Lanka |
Cote d’Ivoire | Kyrgyzstan | Sudan |
Croatia | Laos | Suriname |
Cuba | Latvia | Swaziland |
Cyprus | Lebanon | Sweden |
Czech Republic | Lesotho | Switzerland |
Denmark | Liberia | Syria |
Djibouti | Libya | Tajikistan |
Dominica | Liechtenstein | Tanzania |
Dominican Republic | Lithuania | Thailand |
Luxembourg | Timor Leste | |
Madagascar | Togo | |
Malawi | Tonga | |
Malaysia | Trinidad and Tobago | |
Maldives | Tunisia | |
Mali | Turkey | |
Malta | Turkmenistan | |
Marshall Islands | Tuvalu | |
Mauritania | Uganda | |
Mauritius | Ukraine | |
Mexico | United Arab Emirates | |
Micronesia | United Kingdom | |
United States | ||
Uruguay | ||
Uzbekistan | ||
Vanuatu | ||
Venezuela | ||
Yemen | ||
Zambia | ||
Zimbabwe |
Apply for Your Vietnam e-Visa Now!
Don’t wait! Apply for your Vietnam e-Visa here and enjoy a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.
For further assistance, feel free to contact us at [email protected].